Via rotovr.com
5 Top Virtual Reality Accessories
These accessories will make your virtual reality moments all the more immersive
These accessories will make your virtual reality moments all the more immersive
If you're a virtual reality enthusiast, you are likely up for a new gadget or gizmo to take the experience up a notch. Virtual reality is not only a visual experience — but can also be physical through haptic feedback — or sensations you can feel as you play and move in a virtual world. Fun is always better when there is more to see, feel, and do — and these five VR accessories are designed to enhance the time you're in VR, making them more immersive.
Your eyes have been amazed, now let your fingers in on the fun with haptic gloves while you immerse yourself into the wide world of VR. CaptoGlove gives the hands-on experience that takes VR-based entertainment to the next level. This glove is the first wearable hand machine for VR gaming, working with PCs, smartphones, drones, and smart TVs. It connects via Bluetooth for intuitive control and a fully-immersive experience. Built as a health rehab tool to help patients recover from strokes, CaptoGlove is now available for gamers and looks like a pair of biking gloves — thin and easy to wear.
Cost: $490.00
Lightweight (just .08 lbs.) and sleek, the Samsung VR Controller is easy to use, making VR-time all the more exciting. With a smooth touchpad and easy-to-reach control buttons, this controller is designed to work with the Samsung Gear VR and is another way to interact within the virtual world — letting you have a handheld remote that you can also see when you're in VR. The controller can also double as a shooter — point and click.
Cost: $28.74
You will sit back, but you most certainly won't be relaxing as you get full-on VR action from the best seat in the house… yours! Roto Interactive VR Chair, which won Best Product at the VR & AR World Expo, provides 360-degree views from the motorized sensory seat which supports all headsets. Explore new frontiers as you feel your presence in the midst of the enthralling VR action. The seat is comfortable, gives the feeling of weightlessness, and allows you to swivel and swirl while in a VR space.
Cost: $999.99
Take a step beyond controllers with a VR tracker such as the HTC Vive Tracker, which provides an impressive 270-degree field of view for the VR enthusiast seeking even deeper immersion into the experience. Thanks to the Vive Tracker, you can link physical accessories from the real world to the gadget and track them as you watch and play in an alternate universe.Some peripherals already working with the Vive Tracker include, "wireless glove controller, and the VR-15 Gun Controller, a VR version of the AR-15, among others."
Cost: $149.99
A full-body suit with haptic feedback, motion capture, and temperature/climate control, Teslasuitwill take VR experiences to something closer to out-of-body experiences. Get your entire body into the action as the ingenious suit stimulates multiple muscle groups from 46 haptic points in real time. The suit includes 14 motion capture sensors that basically write your body into a virtual space — essentially allowing you to use the suit to create an Avatar, making the VR process personalized. Although not on sale today, you can sign up on the waiting list to pre-order and be among the first to try out Teslasuit.
Cost: TBA
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