Self-Driving Chairs Are Proof The Movie Wall-E Is Coming True
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Friday
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Friday
Self-Driving Chairs Nissan never wants you to stand in line again. Using the same technology that allows self-driving cars to detect each other and stay in a single lane on the road, Pro Pilot Chairs keep their place in a line—akin to a mini-highway. Nissan says the technology was put in place in its new Serena this summer. Nissan is eager to hear from stores who want to be part of testing ProPilot now.
PlayStation VR Launch October 13th is D-day for PlayStation VR—the day Sony puts the VR headset on sale. Best Buy is opening its doors at 350 stores across the U.S. at 12:01 am ET that day for anyone who really needs to be first. The $399 VR headset will only work with PlayStation 4 consoles —another $399 purchase. Because of the quirk of time, Best Buy will actually open their doors at 9:01 pm PT, 10:01 pm MT and 11:01 pm CT —ensuring no one gets their hands on the devices before anyone else. Can't make it to one of the select stores? Some models will be available online.
Volvo's Self-Driving Cars Volvo is jumping full steam into autonomous vehicles, planning to have them on the road in five years. Drivers can even pay an extra $10,000 to have cars that fully autonomous, where the car can drive itself. (All cars will, however, have steering wheels.) Cars are already in the works, with plans to test them in Sweden in 2017. (Via AP)
IoT Hacks Continue Hackers took advantage of unsecured IoT devices—smart security cameras, digital video recorders and other devices —that had generic passwords or no passwords at all. One way that hackers gain access is also through devices that aren't updated with the latest operating system patches, or firmware. While consumers are fairly used to updating their smartphones and computers when the next OS patch appears—updating their smart light bulb? That may take some doing. And yet these devices, connected to the Internet, are vulnerable to hackers if not locked down: which is being left to responsibility of the consumer. (Via Wall Street Journal)
World's Smallest VR Headset You may be salivating for the PlayStation VR headset—but we guarantee that it's not going to fit in the palm of your hand, nor your pocket. But Homido Mini will.
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