Digital etiquette for the holidays: Facebook Live Tuesday Dec. 11th at 2 pm ET
Do and Don'ts when it comes to your smart devices this holiday season so you're not that guest, or that host
Do and Don'ts when it comes to your smart devices this holiday season so you're not that guest, or that host
Polite behavior doesn't end when the spiked egg nog comes out, in fact it doubles. Digital etiquette, the rules that keep up from posting unflattering pictures on social media of our friends, and not recording guests sleeping in our home, gets an added boost during the holidays.
From social media No-No's during holiday parties (hint: turn the phone off) to how to manage your smart speakers (hint: you might want to stow them away), we're going to help you navigate some of the 10 top etiquette rules when it comes to digital devices during the holiday season. After all, everyone wants to be the best guest, and the best host.
Perhaps you own a smart device whether that's a video doorbell or a connected security camera. Maybe you've installed some smart speakers in your home, or have a heavy hand on social media sites form Instagram to Snapchat. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, this may be a Facebook Live worth watching.
Emily Post may be the last word on good manners. When it comes to technology, however, GearBrain has a few tweaks for this new connected world. Don't start the party season without this year, and if you do, we'll try to help you get out of any muddle where you've already found yourself.
Join us Tuesday, December 11th at 2 pm ET live on GearBrain's Facebook page for our quick tips on staying respectful to your friends, family and yourself over the holidays.
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