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October 07 2016
LED Chanel Chanel is already a coveted brand among fashionistas. But now, Chanel is pushing into the fashion tech space with a new LED handbag which debuted on the runway during Paris Fashion Week. On the runway the bags flashed the Chanel logo, but that's not to say the bags will be programmed that way permanently—or if they'll even go on sale to consumers at all. Clothing designers are playing with LEDs, such as Vixole, looking to embed the lights in their sneakers. One company even sells the pieces to make your own. But Chanel could be the first major brand to take this technology to the street.
Samsung Recall..Again? Samsung could end up with another recall on its hands after a replacement for the 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 previously recalled, caught fire on a Southwest flight this week. Bloomberg reports that now the Federal Aviation Administration is looking into the incident after a Galaxy Note 7, that had been powered down, started to smoke causing the plane to be evacuated. The fires in the first version of the phone stemmed from the smartphone's battery. Samsung recalled all of these, offering refunds or replacements. But if the replacements are causing similar issues, the South Korean-based firm may end up having to recall the phones. Again.
Verizon Drones Verizon is launching a drone program meant to expand its wireless networks. Called Airborne LTE Operations, the drones could be used, for example, to help first responders and emergency personnel with communication needs, or view remote pipelines and high-voltage electrical lines with the drones that then relay that information and imagery.
Oculus Add Ons Oculus debuted its upcoming $200 Touch controller which should be in consumer hands by December. The VR company, now owned by Facebook, held its developer conference today and also announced a $500 PC for the Rift—a dramatically lower price than earlier computers needed to power its VR headset. (Via VentureBeat)
You Are The Remote New products are changing the way we interact with them—allowing us to control apps and software through the turn of a wrist or our voice. We roundup some of the latest launching now or in the next few months.
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October 07 2016
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