Is Watching VR Porn Considered Cheating?
There are a wide range of opinions as to what constitutes "cheating" on one's partner in a committed relationship. There are those who believe sex outside the relationship is the deal breaker. Others think even a kiss is too far across the line. What about "emotional affairs" where no physical infidelity has taken place, but a bond has been formed that crosses the boundary of friendship to something a little too close for comfort.
Then there are fantasies. You could be 100 percent faithful to your partner, but think about someone else while you're intimate. These fantasies could lead to exploration into the world of pornography. Some people would not be too pleased to learn that their partner spends time watching others engage in sexual acts and is aroused by the experience. A handful of them consider this to be cheating because they are tuned in and turned on by someone else outside the relationship. Take porn viewing into the current high-tech climate and virtual reality porn is in the picture. A very realistic picture at that. Can a new definition of cheating be on the cusp of what's considered acceptable for a committed couple?
VR porn allows the viewer to feel like they are right there in the bed (or wherever they like to get it on) with someone in the virtual world. As per Motherboard, "People use full-body haptic suits to experience full sexual immersion." ItsCheating.comadds, "(VR porn) may involve your partner having a full-body virtual sexual experience complete with graphics, tactile sensations and sound. And VR Porn World points out, "Technically you're not cheating, you're not actually having sex with another human, but your partner might think otherwise."
This is taking things much further than watching a 5 minute grainy porn video on a cell phone or even tuning in to a live-cam scenario. VR porn is allowing people to come as close to the real deal than ever before. And it's becoming a topic of debate as to whether or not it's cheating. As per Motherboard, Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S notes, "A 'virtual world' affair is every bit as painful to a betrayed spouse as an in-the-flesh affair. It makes no difference if the cheating occurred in person or online through the use of porn, webcams, social media, or some other digital technology."
It's likely that those who participate in watching VR porn would say they don't consider what they're doing to be cheating. Their partners (the real-life ones) may lean towards the contrary. A discussion board on VOAT Virtual Reality posted the question "Is watching VR porn considered cheating?" One reader chimed in with, "Ask your girlfriend. If your opinions don't match, you're incompatible. Doesn't matter what the answers are, as long as they match. Oh, and this goes for any other question of cheating, from 'flirty talk' up to 'sex with random people from Tinder.' Make sure you match." Seems like the smart way to handle the cheating issue, VR-wise or not, within a relationship.
Technology is ever-changing and with that comes porn that's more realistic by the day. Watching VR porn is "cheating" if you and your partner believe it is. Come together with what will work for your relationship. If there's a need to go outside the partnership to fulfill sexual desires, perhaps that issue should be dealt with before blaming a non-human entity for breaking up your relationship. And don't forget… with VR porn there's always the option for a VR threesome so nobody's left out!
Do you think watching VR porn is cheating
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