Elon Musk: Telsa will have "major" hardware upgrades every year or so
Tesla Reinventing Elon Musk is clearly never satisfied with a good thing. His promise to consumers? That "Tesla will never stop innovating," which Musk tweeted over the weekend, adding that buyers should expect "major revs" every year to 18 months. This is kind of the Apple timeline as well, forcing those who have to have the latest and greatest to dig deep into their pockets often. Tesla is a bit more pricey than an iPhone. Which means some Tesla fans are going to have some budgeting to do. (Or not.)
@dtweiseth Tesla will never stop innovating. People are buying the wrong car if they expect this. There will be major revs every 12 to 18 months.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 22, 2017
❤ Password Sick of typing your password to get into a device? What about just uploading your heartbeat? Researchers at Binghamton State University believe a heart beat could unlock devices one day—particularly as more health wearables start collecting this data. Researchers note that we're far from ready to start this process: for one thing, your heart rate varies depending on how active, or inactive, you are—even if you're healthy. But biometric data is already being used, such as fingerprints. One day your heart may be the only thing standing between you and a call home. (Via PC World)
Home Button Of course the rumors have already started on the next iPhone, expected this year. Curved screens. Wireless charging. (Yes, please, this.) But another expected change may be the disappearing home button which will instead be a fingerprint sensor on the actual screen. There are many obstacles to this (including the expected move to an OLED display.) And as we've seen: we know nothing until the iPhone is in your hand. (Via Mashable)
Lawnmower VR VR company Jaunt is making five episodes based off the 1992 movie The Lawnmower Man—a horror flick about a man who undergoes experiments that make him smarter, telepathic and (what else) insane. Some of the movie shows the characters in a VR state—and the Jaunt remakes will likely episodes will play off this detail quite a bit. (Via Broadcasting & Cable)
Best Bluetooth We did more than try out the new Cassia Hub Home Kit—we played with the system in every way we could. From connecting to Amazon Alexa, to setting up music, we put this product through the ringer. And if you have a large home, you're going to want to see how Cassia fared.