Alexa now helps you follow the 2020 election: Here’s how, and what to ask
The voice assistant knows about debates, polls, candidate information and live results
The voice assistant knows about debates, polls, candidate information and live results
Amazon has rolled out a range of updates to get Alexa up to date with the 2020 US election. The assistant can help out with debate recaps, local polling information, and more.
Added in time for Super Tuesday earlier this week, and available now for the duration of the 2020 presidential campaign, the updates turn Alexa into a one stop shop for election information.
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Before the update arrived, Amazon said Alexa has already answered millions of questions on politics since the start of 2020. Amazon says Alexa's general knowledge (known as the assistant's fact base) has grown 20-fold over the past five years.
To ensure Alexa's election information is accurate and up-to-date (something we haven't always been able to say about the assistant), Amazon is working with the Associated Press, Ballotpedia, RealClearPolitics and Factca.se to keep its customers informed.
Alexa gets its election data from the Associated Press and othersAmazon
Here is everything you can ask Alexa about the 2020 election campaign:
Debate details and recaps:
Candidate information and polls
Localized voter education
Live results
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