LiveBallot Brings Mobile Voting Technology To Presidential Election
A new way of using technology to make it easier for consumers to vote in this year's elections.
A new way of using technology to make it easier for consumers to vote in this year's elections.
Press Release:
SEATTLE, WA November 3, 2016- Technology is again at the forefront to help simplify things for consumers but this time its centered around the Presidential Election. With Election Day only a few days away and over 100 million people getting ready to place their vote, Democracy Live Inc., announced a new way to help you vote for your candidate. The company announced a new voting technology called Liveballot.com. It's an interactive, content rich balloting tool for voters to research, mark, save their selections and share their candidate recommendations. The tool also displays your local balloting information for every election and provides you the social tools to not just be a more informed, educated voter. They currently have over 90 million voters in the US with access to their mobile ballot.
"LiveBallot is the only voting app that delivers a customized virtual ballot to each voter in the U.S. Millions of voters now have access to LiveBallot for this Presidential election and are using the tool to research, save and even share their ballots." said Bryan Finney, President and CEO of Democracy Live. "Rather than relying on yard signs and sound bites, voters are using LiveBallot as a next generation voting technology to enable each voter to be a more informed, impactful voter during the final phase of this critical election."
There are a lot of organizations on both sides of the aisle who are using LiveBallot in this election to endorse their candidates and issues. For instance, both Democratic-leaning organizations, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and Americans for Democratic Action, are using LiveBallot to help people vote. You also have Republican-leaning groups such as Americans For Tax Reform and the National Taxpayers Union using LiveBallot to deliver a digital ballot to their membership lists to help their members know when, where and how to vote come Election Day.
LiveBallot is powered through Democracy Live's proprietary national balloting database. Its also available for only smartphones running on iOS and can be downloaded on the the App Store for free and or by going to LiveBallot.com. Just keep in mind this is not your actual ballot. You will still need to go to your local election office to vote. But LiveBallot will help you make a good decision prior to pulling the levor in the voting booth.
You can learn more by visiting LiveBallot.com. Hope this helps and may the best candidate win!
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